Draft Complete

Last week, I finished the first draft of my manuscript. Now I begin the much shorter revisions phase where I’ll be returning to teach chapter and making any changes based on the technical reviews. Many of the chapters will only have minor changes here or there, but there are a few where I will be doing some larger overhauls. However, the revision process time period will be much shorter than the initial writing period.

The last piece of the puzzle before the book is ready for production is copyright permissions requests. In instances where I’d like to use a screenshot of an actual game, I have to get permission from the copyright holder (in this case, the game developer/publisher) in order to be allowed to use it. Because it takes so long to secure permissions, I’ve been working on this on and off for several months, though it’s been slow to come together.

Once my revisions are complete and all permissions have been acquired, the final revisions will be submitted to my development editor. He will review those final revisions and make sure that all the chapters are ready for production. Once production begins, it will take approximately 100 days before the book is released. This means that the book is still on the time table to be released early in 2014!